Sunday 7 July 2013

Aspartame accounts for more reports of adverse reactions than all other foods and additives combined?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Aspartame -- best known by the names of Nutrasweet and Equal -- is believed to be carcinogenic and accounts for more reports of adverse reactions than all other foods and food additives combined.

Yet, this artificial sweetener continues to be used in more than 6,000 products (often sugar-free or "diet" versions), and millions of people consume this toxic chemical daily, believing it to be a healthy alternative to sugar.

If you’re one of them, or know someone who is, watching the 90-minute documentary Sweet Misery, above, could literally save your life. You might find you have something in common with film maker and narrator Cori Brackett’s own personal story, which starts out the film.

Like many others, Cori noticed a connection between the diet sodas she was drinking and negative effects on her health, including double vision, slurred speech and weak limbs. She was even diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and forced to use a wheelchair.

When she learned of aspartame’s link to the health issues described, she stopped using them and, as if by magic, her symptoms disappeared. But this is only the start of the incredibly eye-opening story behind aspartame, revealed in full detail in Sweet Misery.

Aspartame is the number one source of side-effect complaints to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), with over 10,000 complaints filed and over 91 symptoms documented that are related to its consumption. With that many reports of adverse effects, it's hard to believe aspartame is still allowed on the market — let alone being weaseled in as an unlabeled ingredient in dairy products of all kinds.

Unfortunately, aspartame's approval was and still is largely a political affair. Many readers have long forgotten what 60 Minutes' correspondent Mike Wallace stated in his 1996 report on aspartame — that the approval of aspartame was "the most contested in FDA history." And for good reason. At the time, independent studies had found it caused brain cancer in lab animals, and the studies submitted by G.D. Searle to the FDA for the approval were quickly suspected of being sloppy at best. To get an idea of of how aspartame made it through the FDA approval process despite warning signs of potential health hazards and alleged scientific fraud, take a look at the historical timeline of aspartame

A number of studies have already shown that consuming artificial sweeteners disassociates the sensation of sweetness with caloric content, thereby changing your body's ability to regulate caloric intake naturally. So if you’re consuming artificial sweeteners because you think they’re going to help you lose weight, think again. In all, about 90 different adverse effects have been linked to aspartame

Story at-a-glance
  • The documentary Sweet Misery tells the whole story about aspartame, from its astounding list of related adverse health effects to the corporate fraud and manipulation surrounding its approval
  • Sweet Misery includes heartfelt conversations with aspartame victims and shocking evidence showing how aspartame made it through the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval process despite clear warning signs of potential health hazards and alleged scientific fraud
  • Aspartame accounts for more reports of adverse reactions than all other foods and food additives combined
  • About 90 different adverse health effects, from migraines and seizures to blood cancer and weight gain, have been linked to aspartame consumption

Read the full article and watch the video at:

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