Intake of artificially sweetened soft drinks and risk of preterm delivery: a prospective cohort study in 59,334 Danish pregnant women.
American Journal of Clinical Nutritian.
Daily consumption of artificially sweetened soft drinks may increase the risk for preterm (premature) delivery, according to the results of a Danish prospective cohort study reported in the September issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
"Artificially sweetened soft drinks are often promoted as an alternative to Sugar-sweetened soft drinks. However, the safety of artificial sweeteners has been disputed, and consequences of high intakes of artificial sweeteners for pregnant women have been minimally addressed." write Thorhallur I. Halldorsson, fromStatens Serum Institut in Copenhagen, Denmark, and colleagues.
The goal of the study was to evaluate the association between consumption of sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened soft drinks and preterm delivery.
Participants were 59,334 women enrolled in the Danish National Birth Cohort from 1996 to 2002. The main study endpoint was preterm delivery, defined as less than 37 weeks of gestation.
Consumption of artificially sweetened carbonated and noncarbonated soft drinks was associated with an increased risk for preterm delivery when compared with women who did not drink artificially sweetened carbonated soft drinks. Women who drank at least 1 serving daily was higher and women who drank at least 4 servings daily was much higher than those who did not drink artificially sweetened carbonated and noncarbonated soft drinks. Increased risk was stronger for early preterm and moderately preterm delivery vs late-preterm delivery.
For sugar-sweetened carbonated or noncarbonated soft drinks, no apparent association with the risk for preterm delivery was observed. However sugar-sweetened soft drinks are associated with weight gain.
"Daily intake of artificially sweetened soft drinks may increase the risk of preterm delivery," the study authors write.
"The relative consistency of our findings for carbonated and noncarbonated soft drinks and the absence of an association for sugar-sweetened soft drinks suggest that the content of artificial sweeteners might be the causal factor." the study authors conclude.
The European Union (EU) Integrated Research Project EARNEST supported this study. The Danish National Birth Cohort has been financed by the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, the Danish Heart Association, the Danish Medical Research Council, and the Sygekassernes Helsefond Danish National Research Foundation, Danish Pharmaceutical Association, Ministry of Health, National Board of Health, Statens Serum Institut.
Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutritian. 2010 Sep;92(3):626-33. Epub 2010 Jun 30.Halldorsson TI, Strøm M, Petersen SB, Olsen SF.Centre for Fetal Programming, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Homeopathy, Herbalism, Medicine, Infertility, Health & Disease, Diet & Nutrition, Fitness & Weight-loss, Science
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Only 20% to 30% of SA Nurses are Qualified
Health budget havoc Malpractice suits expose Gauteng to crippling compensation claims
Sep 26, 2010 11:22 PM | By SALLY EVANS
The Gauteng Department of Health faces the possibility that it will have to pay R2-billion in compensation, a quarter of it for medical malpractice claims.
In the province's 2009-2010 annual report, "medico-legal claims" against the department were stated as R573-million, up from R447-million in the previous financial year.
Auditor-general Terence Nombembe raised concerns about the amount for which the department was successfully sued by victims of bad treatment and botched operations.
The biggest claim against the department was R1.5-billion in connection with the allegedly premature termination of contracts, two of which were with consultants.
The two contracts - with 3P Consultancy, valued at more than R200-million, and with the Bawoki Consortium, for a R1-billion computerised information system - were cancelled after a review by the new leadership of the department in April last year.
The Johannesburg High Court ordered the department to pay R10.4-million for services rendered by 3P Consultancy and to re-instate its contract with the company.
The department appealed and the matter is still before the court, according to the department's spokesman, Mandla Sidu.
Gauteng's MEC for health and social development, Qedani Mahlangu, said last year that her decision to cancel contracts signed by her predecessor, Brian Hlongwa, was "the right thing to do".
The DA's health spokesman in Gauteng, Jack Bloom, said the claims against the department were a concern.
He said the value of the contracts was not necessarily the amount for which the department would be liable if it lost in the high court. Hlongwa and 3P have consistently denied wrongdoing.
Adele van der Walt, a lawyer who specialises in medical malpractice claims, said increases in malpractice suits against doctors, nurses and hospitals could partly be ascribed to there being "more patients and fewer doctors".
The number of claims had increased in private and public healthcare, she said.
"Hospitals are understaffed and there are fewer qualified practitioners.
Only about 20% to 30% of nurses are qualified," she said.
The risk factors increased as the number of patients seeking medical attention increased, she said.
Taken together with the quality and availability of nursing staff, and of specialist doctors, it was a "challenge for medical services in South Africa".
The Sunday Times quoted the chief planner of the proposed national health insurance scheme, Olive Shisana, as saying that South Africa would recruit "thousands of doctors from other countries" to staff the scheme.
The scheme is intended to provide tax-funded cover to all citizens.
Bloom said it was not only claims and liabilities that were wreaking havoc with the department's budget: other provinces owed about R307-million to Gauteng.
Sep 26, 2010 11:22 PM | By SALLY EVANS
The Gauteng Department of Health faces the possibility that it will have to pay R2-billion in compensation, a quarter of it for medical malpractice claims.
In the province's 2009-2010 annual report, "medico-legal claims" against the department were stated as R573-million, up from R447-million in the previous financial year.
Auditor-general Terence Nombembe raised concerns about the amount for which the department was successfully sued by victims of bad treatment and botched operations.
The biggest claim against the department was R1.5-billion in connection with the allegedly premature termination of contracts, two of which were with consultants.
The two contracts - with 3P Consultancy, valued at more than R200-million, and with the Bawoki Consortium, for a R1-billion computerised information system - were cancelled after a review by the new leadership of the department in April last year.
The Johannesburg High Court ordered the department to pay R10.4-million for services rendered by 3P Consultancy and to re-instate its contract with the company.
The department appealed and the matter is still before the court, according to the department's spokesman, Mandla Sidu.
Gauteng's MEC for health and social development, Qedani Mahlangu, said last year that her decision to cancel contracts signed by her predecessor, Brian Hlongwa, was "the right thing to do".
The DA's health spokesman in Gauteng, Jack Bloom, said the claims against the department were a concern.
He said the value of the contracts was not necessarily the amount for which the department would be liable if it lost in the high court. Hlongwa and 3P have consistently denied wrongdoing.
Adele van der Walt, a lawyer who specialises in medical malpractice claims, said increases in malpractice suits against doctors, nurses and hospitals could partly be ascribed to there being "more patients and fewer doctors".
The number of claims had increased in private and public healthcare, she said.
"Hospitals are understaffed and there are fewer qualified practitioners.
Only about 20% to 30% of nurses are qualified," she said.
The risk factors increased as the number of patients seeking medical attention increased, she said.
Taken together with the quality and availability of nursing staff, and of specialist doctors, it was a "challenge for medical services in South Africa".
The Sunday Times quoted the chief planner of the proposed national health insurance scheme, Olive Shisana, as saying that South Africa would recruit "thousands of doctors from other countries" to staff the scheme.
The scheme is intended to provide tax-funded cover to all citizens.
Bloom said it was not only claims and liabilities that were wreaking havoc with the department's budget: other provinces owed about R307-million to Gauteng.
Breathing Exercises to Reduce High Blood Pressure
Step No. 1 - Relax. Play gentle music (such as classical or rhythm and blues) and get as comfortable and relaxed as possible.
Step No. 2 - Breathe in sharply, quickly and deeply using the chest and the diaphragm, but keep to a comfortable rate. Allow the tummy to expand as the diaphragm presses downward into the abdominal cavity. You may also choose to breath in slowly, but remember that exhaling should still be twice as long.
Step No. 3 - Breathe out in a slower, more relaxed way. Breathing out should take twice as much time as breathing in. Gradually extend your exhale phase until it's approximately twice the length of your inhale phase. Do not count or use any kind of timekeeper, simply relax and let the air flow out. A short pause between exhale and inhale phases is normal. Do not force the air out sharply because the compression of the chest to expel the air also increases the blood pressure accordingly. Breathe out to dispel as much air from your lungs as possible.
Step No. 4 - Once you are used to this pattern, gradually slow your rate of breathing. Do not slow to a point of discomfort. If you feel any strain at all, you need to back off. Remember, you must stay relaxed to get the benefits.
Step No. 5 - Continue for 15 minutes. Repeat 4 or 5 times a week.
The breathing rate must be adjusted voluntarily. Our tendency is to not breathe enough volume and to not breathe at a high enough rate. Breathing exercises are required many times a day to break the old breathing patters. Practice technique regularly. If one practises the technique once every hour, over time your breathing pattern should automatically change as you become accustomed to breathing properly.
Also watch these videos.
Breathing Exercises to Lower Blood Pressure (This video demonstrates the technique. It is advisable to download this video and view them few times.)
Reducing Blood Pressure with Breathing (This video clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of breathing for hypertension)
Heart and Cardiovascular Disease and Blood Pressure Studies
Drinking beetroot juice lowers heart disease risk
Jun 30, 2010
By Laura Trowbridge.
The results of a study published in the American Heart Association's medical journal, Hypertension, show beetroot juice dramatically reduces blood pressure, and cuts the risk of heart disease and strokes.
Patients who drank a glass of beetroot juice a day had significantly lower blood pressure within just 24 hours.
According to Daily Mail, researchers at William Harvey Research Institute at Queen Mary University in London compared patients who drank a 250ml glass of beetroot juice a day with patients who took nitrate tablets.
It was found that both methods, the beetroot juice and the tablets, were equally successful in reducing blood pressure in the patients. This led the researchers to conclude that the naturally occurring nitrates in beetroot cause its beneficial effects.
Amrita Ahluwalia, Professor of Vascular Biology at the William Harvey Research Institute, said: "We showed that beetroot and nitrate capsules are equally effective in lowering blood pressure indicating that it is the nitrate content of beetroot juice that underlies its potential to reduce blood pressure.
"We also found that only a small amount of juice is needed - just 250ml - to have this effect, and that the higher the blood pressure at the start of the study the greater the decrease caused by the nitrate.
"Our previous study two years ago found that drinking beetroot juice lowered blood pressure; now we know how it works."
Beetroot juice can be found in health food stores or you can make your own juice at home.
Agro Products advises mixing other juices with the beetroot because of its strong flavor. Adding carrot, apple, celery, cucumber or pineapple are among the recommended juices to add.
Argo Products warns that beetroot juice can turn stools and urine red. It can also temporarily paralyze your vocal chords, make you break out in hives, increase your heart rate, cause chills or a fever if drunk by itself, undiluted. Pregnant women should not drink beetroot juice without first consulting with their physician.
Study: Regular teeth brushing may offset heart problems
May 28, 2010
By Andrew John
Brushing your teeth could help offset the risk of heart disease, according to new research published today. But you shouldn’t neglect other factors that can lead to cardiovascular problems, say campaigners.
The BBC reports that a Scottish study of more than 11,000 adults has found that those with poor oral hygiene had a 70 percent greater risk of contracting heart disease, compared with those who brushed twice a day.
The study was carried out by the British Medical Journal, and backs up previous research in this area, which showed a link between gum disease and heart problems.
However, Judy O’Sullivan, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, is quoted as saying: “If you don’t brush your teeth, your mouth can become infected with bacteria, which can cause inflammation.
“However, it is complicated by the fact that poor oral hygiene is often associated with other well-known risk factors for heart disease, such as smoking and poor diet.
“Good personal hygiene is a basic element of a healthy lifestyle,” she added. “But, if you want to help your heart, you should eat a balanced diet, avoid smoking and take part in regular physical activity.”
“It is known that inflammation in the body, including in the mouth and gums, has an important role in the build-up of clogged arteries, which can lead to a heart attack,” says the BBC report.
For the study, data was collected on lifestyle behaviour such as oral health routines, smoking and physical activity. those taking part were also asked how often they brushed their teeth and visited their dentist.
“Then nurses collected information on medical history and family history of heart disease, took blood pressure and blood samples,” says the BBC.
Cardiovascular events
“Overall, six out of ten people said they visited the dentist every six months and seven out ten reported brushing their teeth twice a day.
“Over the eight-year study there were 555 ‘cardiovascular events’ such as heart attacks, 170 of which were fatal.
“Taking into account factors that affect heart disease risk, such as social class, obesity, smoking and family history, the researchers found those who brushed twice a day were at a lower risk.”
The study leader, Professor Richard Watt, of University College London, said future research would be needed to confirm whether the link between oral health and cardiovascular disease “is in fact causal or merely a risk marker.”
New study: Poor oral hygiene increases chances of heart disease
Jun 1, 2010
By Gemma Fox
New research shows that people with poor oral hygiene have a greater chance of developing heart disease than those with good oral hygiene.
How often do you brush your teeth? If it's only once a day you may want to consider the results of a Scottish study, published in the British Medical Journal, which shows that people who only brush their teeth once a day have a 70% increased chance of developing heart disease.
The study of 11,000 adults highlighted the significant increase in development of heart disease with those who only brushed once per day and those who brushed twice per day or more.
The study backs up previous studies which had before linked gum disease and heart disease. These studies have shown that inflammation elsewhere in the body can increase the chances of clogged arteries and heart attacks.
This is the first study that confirms the link between oral hygiene and heart disease.
This recent study took into consideration the participants lifestyles including their eating and exercise habits, what they smoked and drank. This information was analysed along with the information collected on the participants visits to their dentists and the amount of times they cleaned their teeth.
Out of those surveyed, six out of ten said they visited the dentist every 6 months and seven out of ten said they brushed their teeth at least twice daily.
In the eight year study there were 555 cardiovascular events among participants of which 170 were fatal.
The conclusion is that, taking into account lifestyles, people who brushed twice per day had a decreased chance of developing heart disease.
Study suggests processed meats increase risk of heart disease
May 30, 2010
By Paris Franz
Researchers from Harvard University have found that eating processed meat such as sausages increases the likelihood of heart disease. Red meat seems not to be as harmful.
The team from Harvard School of Public Heath looked at 20 studies involving more than one million people from 10 countries, and found just 50g of processed meat a day raised the risk of both heart disease and diabetes. Yet eating twice as much unprocessed meat, such as beef, lamb or pork, posed no such risk.
The two forms of meat have a similar fat content, and the researchers have speculated that the difference may be explained by the salt and preservatives added to processed meats, according to the BBC. Salt can increase blood pressure, which is a key risk factor for heart disease.
On average, each 50g serving of processed meat per day - the equivalent of a sausage or a couple of rashers of bacon - was associated with a 42% higher chance of developing coronary heart disease and a 19% higher risk of diabetes.
While good news for fans of red meat, it still pays to be careful in preparing food. "If you like red meat, this can still be included as part of a balanced heart-healthy diet,” Victoria Taylor, senior heart health dietician at the British Heart Foundation, told the BBC. “Go for lean cuts and aim to cook from scratch using healthier cooking methods like grilling or baking. If you need to add flavour, then try using fresh and dried herbs, spices and chillies instead of salt."
Jun 30, 2010
By Laura Trowbridge.
The results of a study published in the American Heart Association's medical journal, Hypertension, show beetroot juice dramatically reduces blood pressure, and cuts the risk of heart disease and strokes.
Patients who drank a glass of beetroot juice a day had significantly lower blood pressure within just 24 hours.
According to Daily Mail, researchers at William Harvey Research Institute at Queen Mary University in London compared patients who drank a 250ml glass of beetroot juice a day with patients who took nitrate tablets.
It was found that both methods, the beetroot juice and the tablets, were equally successful in reducing blood pressure in the patients. This led the researchers to conclude that the naturally occurring nitrates in beetroot cause its beneficial effects.
Amrita Ahluwalia, Professor of Vascular Biology at the William Harvey Research Institute, said: "We showed that beetroot and nitrate capsules are equally effective in lowering blood pressure indicating that it is the nitrate content of beetroot juice that underlies its potential to reduce blood pressure.
"We also found that only a small amount of juice is needed - just 250ml - to have this effect, and that the higher the blood pressure at the start of the study the greater the decrease caused by the nitrate.
"Our previous study two years ago found that drinking beetroot juice lowered blood pressure; now we know how it works."
Beetroot juice can be found in health food stores or you can make your own juice at home.
Agro Products advises mixing other juices with the beetroot because of its strong flavor. Adding carrot, apple, celery, cucumber or pineapple are among the recommended juices to add.
Argo Products warns that beetroot juice can turn stools and urine red. It can also temporarily paralyze your vocal chords, make you break out in hives, increase your heart rate, cause chills or a fever if drunk by itself, undiluted. Pregnant women should not drink beetroot juice without first consulting with their physician.
Study: Regular teeth brushing may offset heart problems
May 28, 2010
By Andrew John
Brushing your teeth could help offset the risk of heart disease, according to new research published today. But you shouldn’t neglect other factors that can lead to cardiovascular problems, say campaigners.
The BBC reports that a Scottish study of more than 11,000 adults has found that those with poor oral hygiene had a 70 percent greater risk of contracting heart disease, compared with those who brushed twice a day.
The study was carried out by the British Medical Journal, and backs up previous research in this area, which showed a link between gum disease and heart problems.
However, Judy O’Sullivan, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, is quoted as saying: “If you don’t brush your teeth, your mouth can become infected with bacteria, which can cause inflammation.
“However, it is complicated by the fact that poor oral hygiene is often associated with other well-known risk factors for heart disease, such as smoking and poor diet.
“Good personal hygiene is a basic element of a healthy lifestyle,” she added. “But, if you want to help your heart, you should eat a balanced diet, avoid smoking and take part in regular physical activity.”
“It is known that inflammation in the body, including in the mouth and gums, has an important role in the build-up of clogged arteries, which can lead to a heart attack,” says the BBC report.
For the study, data was collected on lifestyle behaviour such as oral health routines, smoking and physical activity. those taking part were also asked how often they brushed their teeth and visited their dentist.
“Then nurses collected information on medical history and family history of heart disease, took blood pressure and blood samples,” says the BBC.
Cardiovascular events
“Overall, six out of ten people said they visited the dentist every six months and seven out ten reported brushing their teeth twice a day.
“Over the eight-year study there were 555 ‘cardiovascular events’ such as heart attacks, 170 of which were fatal.
“Taking into account factors that affect heart disease risk, such as social class, obesity, smoking and family history, the researchers found those who brushed twice a day were at a lower risk.”
The study leader, Professor Richard Watt, of University College London, said future research would be needed to confirm whether the link between oral health and cardiovascular disease “is in fact causal or merely a risk marker.”
New study: Poor oral hygiene increases chances of heart disease
Jun 1, 2010
By Gemma Fox
New research shows that people with poor oral hygiene have a greater chance of developing heart disease than those with good oral hygiene.
How often do you brush your teeth? If it's only once a day you may want to consider the results of a Scottish study, published in the British Medical Journal, which shows that people who only brush their teeth once a day have a 70% increased chance of developing heart disease.
The study of 11,000 adults highlighted the significant increase in development of heart disease with those who only brushed once per day and those who brushed twice per day or more.
The study backs up previous studies which had before linked gum disease and heart disease. These studies have shown that inflammation elsewhere in the body can increase the chances of clogged arteries and heart attacks.
This is the first study that confirms the link between oral hygiene and heart disease.
This recent study took into consideration the participants lifestyles including their eating and exercise habits, what they smoked and drank. This information was analysed along with the information collected on the participants visits to their dentists and the amount of times they cleaned their teeth.
Out of those surveyed, six out of ten said they visited the dentist every 6 months and seven out of ten said they brushed their teeth at least twice daily.
In the eight year study there were 555 cardiovascular events among participants of which 170 were fatal.
The conclusion is that, taking into account lifestyles, people who brushed twice per day had a decreased chance of developing heart disease.
Study suggests processed meats increase risk of heart disease
May 30, 2010
By Paris Franz
Researchers from Harvard University have found that eating processed meat such as sausages increases the likelihood of heart disease. Red meat seems not to be as harmful.
The team from Harvard School of Public Heath looked at 20 studies involving more than one million people from 10 countries, and found just 50g of processed meat a day raised the risk of both heart disease and diabetes. Yet eating twice as much unprocessed meat, such as beef, lamb or pork, posed no such risk.
The two forms of meat have a similar fat content, and the researchers have speculated that the difference may be explained by the salt and preservatives added to processed meats, according to the BBC. Salt can increase blood pressure, which is a key risk factor for heart disease.
On average, each 50g serving of processed meat per day - the equivalent of a sausage or a couple of rashers of bacon - was associated with a 42% higher chance of developing coronary heart disease and a 19% higher risk of diabetes.
While good news for fans of red meat, it still pays to be careful in preparing food. "If you like red meat, this can still be included as part of a balanced heart-healthy diet,” Victoria Taylor, senior heart health dietician at the British Heart Foundation, told the BBC. “Go for lean cuts and aim to cook from scratch using healthier cooking methods like grilling or baking. If you need to add flavour, then try using fresh and dried herbs, spices and chillies instead of salt."
Why meatless diets can be deadly
Anyone who still believes a diet of sprouts and beans is healthy should hop on the next flight to India, where they can get a firsthand look at the ravages of the vegetarian lifestyle.
Trust me -- you'll be back in the steakhouse in no time.
India just so happens to be one of the most vegetarian-friendly nations on the planet, thanks in part to their worship of cows. And a new study finds that the nation's plant-eaters -- up to 42 percent of the population -- are paying a hefty price for shunning the heifers.
When researchers studied 300 vegetarian patients at Hiranandani Hospital for a year, they were stunned to find that 70 percent of them were either suffering from heart disease or were at high risk of heart attack.
The reason was pretty simple: Nearly all of the patients were badly deficient in vitamin B12, an essential nutrient found in meat. That deficiency caused a surge in levels of homocysteine -- a much better marker of heart risk than cholesterol.
The high homocysteine levels led to atherosclerosis -- hard, narrow arteries that make the heart work overtime and put the patient at risk for heart attack and stroke.
Dr. Shashank Shah presented the study at the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders in Los Angeles. He said that most vegetarians are so badly deficient in B12 that they need injections to correct their levels.
"Those who are at risk shouldn't delude themselves by simply popping a pill," he said.
Even Indians who do eat meat are at risk, says Dr. Shah, because they typically don't eat enough B12-rich foods such as beef, liver and fish.
Of course, I've only been saying this since the Beatles were hanging around with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi -- so none of this is surprising to me. After all, the answer has been there for anyone willing to look. Despite its cow-happy, leaf-eating population, India's leading cause of death is the same as it is here -- heart disease.
The answer is pretty simple: Heart health begins with what you eat.
And if you eat the wrong things, whether it's a vegetarian Indian diet or a carb-happy Western one, it'll end there too.
WC Douglas MD
Top Five Regrets - By Bronnie Ware
For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives.
People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality. I learned never to underestimate someone's capacity for growth. Some changes were phenomenal. Each experienced a variety of emotions, as expected, denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial and eventually acceptance. Every single patient found their peace before they departed though, every one of them.
When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five:
1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me
This was the most common regret of all. When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people have had not honored even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made.
It is very important to try and honor at least some of your dreams along the way. From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late. Health brings a freedom very few realize, until they no longer have it.
2. I wish I didn't work so hard
This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children's youth and their partner's companionship. Women also spoke of this regret. But as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been breadwinners. All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence.
By simplifying your lifestyle and making conscious choices along the way, it is possible to not need the income that you think you do. And by creating more space in your life, you become happier and more open to new opportunities, ones more suited to your new lifestyle.
3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings
Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never became who they were truly capable of becoming. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result.
We cannot control the reactions of others. However, although people may initially react when you change the way you are by speaking honestly, in the end it raises the relationship to a whole new and healthier level. Either that or it releases the unhealthy relationship from your life. Either way, you win.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends
Often they would not truly realize the full benefits of old friends until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to track them down. Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships slip by over the years. There were many deep regrets about not giving friendships the time and effort that they deserved. Everyone misses their friends when they are dying.
It is common for anyone in a busy lifestyle to let friendships slip. But when you are faced with your approaching death, the physical details of life fall away. People do want to get their financial affairs in order if possible. But it is not money or status that holds the true importance for them. They want to get things in order more for the benefit of those they love. Usually though, they are too ill and weary to ever manage this task. It is all comes down to love and relationships in the end. That is all that remains in the final weeks, love and relationships.
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier
This is a surprisingly common one. Many did not realize until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called 'comfort' of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content. When deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again.
When you are on your deathbed, what others think of you is a long way from your mind. How wonderful to be able to let go and smile again, long before you are dying. Life is a choice. It is YOUR life. Choose consciously, choose wisely, choose honestly. Choose happiness.

Bronnie Ware
Some of the Greatest People the World had ever known
This is a list of people so great their work was beyond understanding
Most people on this list were so far advanced that they were opposed, ousted, rejected, belittled, discarded and science will always try to disprove their work or steer you away from them.
In the Middle Ages, the CHURCH oppressed & suppressed, they persecuted & prosecuted free & progressive thinkers, anyone that opposed them, anyone who's work they could not understand & anyone they perceived a threat. Since then, that OPPRESSIVE role has been taken over by organised SCIENCE. For the past 400 years SCIENCE HAS BEEN SUPPRESSING, PERSECUTING & PROSECUTING EXACTLY SUCH INTELLIGENT PROGRESSIVE INDIVIDUALS!
In my view Science is an insult to knowledge, it is backward and oppressive and it kept us in the dark ages until now.
Science only tries to investigate what others already know & that cannot be understood by scientists. High Incarnates like these greats were centuries ahead of their time, and they changed the World forever.
They proved my late brother's statement that "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, but some things are just highly unlikely."
The interesting thing about people like those mentioned here is that science would rather oppose them and try to disprove them, to conjure up disinformation to warrant their attempts to prove them wrong, than learn from them. It has always amazed me how puny science can be in that they would follow some misguided skeptic anti everything so-called scientist who understands nothing of this world, yet they oppose those that were so highly advanced and whom we could and should learn from. It is irrational to say the least. They're still on the train of evolution, searching for the origins of humans on Earth, while the answers have been laid out before them so many times over and over and over by so many people and so many sources.
What is the sense of possessing so much data and zero knowledge. We are studying more and more of the same and discovering nothing of applicable value. Instead of utilising what had been given to us we are allowing science to oppress us, just because they are unable to understand anything they had not read, and that was not written by some professor with a good memory.
We have had people that had come to this World to teach us, to guide us and to provide us with unlimited knowledge and insight and we discard them due to dogma, either some religious dogma or scientific dogma. Have you ever considered just how blinded people are thanks to science's misguided teachings on evolution? Due to this limited dogma's and paradigms in which the churches and science are stuck we are denied so much.
There is ZERO ZILCH NOTHING of value knowing ANYTHING that someone like Richard Dawkins had said or written, it adds NOTHING to anything or anyone. It is of the utmost importance that we study the work of the so-called dissidents, those greats that are ignored, ousted and denied by organised science. Those are the people that add to our knowledge.
"You know you were successful in life when the day you die people do NOT miss you." - Dr. Myles Munroe (
The above statement relates to the sharing of knowledge. If you had shared all your knowledge unselfishly and freely, if you had shared your love in abundance you would have fulfilled all the needs to those around you. If after your departure from this world people repeatedly say "I miss him/her, because I still wanted to get this or that info", "I wish he/she was here to explain this or that to me", "I always wanted to ask him about this or that", then you failed in this life, because you did not share all your knowledge.
If you had been successful you would have shared all your knowledge so freely and openly that nothing is missing, that we do not need to miss you, because of gaps in the info you left us, because you shared everything with us, THAT is being successful.
Knowledge is what builds the World, what develops and grows the World and any knowledge that we possess must be shared with mankind BEFORE we die so people would not miss us for a lack of that knowledge.
In this sense We need to weigh people on this list objectively. One of the most successful people was Nikola Tesla, because he wanted to share everything, to share his knowledge for a better world, to provide the world with free, clean energy. It was the work of organised science and greed that prevented us from having all that knowledge today. That knowledge, which he wanted to give to us openly and freely, was withheld and even destroyed by higher powers.
Nikola Tesla is one of the the greatest engineers to ever have walked the planet, but he was oppressed and suppressed. His work should be the basis of all science and engineering education and training. Each and every person on earth should know his name, should have been taught about him and his work. If his ORIGINAL work is shared and deliberately distributed, someone out there among us would synchronise with it and build on it.
Nikola tesla was successful because he wanted and was willing to share his knowledge and he cannot be accused of failure, because politics, commerce and science withheld it from us.
Probably the most successful person on the list in this respect is Samuel Hahnemann, because he shared all the knowledge he possessed successfully. There were things he himself did not understand at the time and which he obviously could not share, but if he did have the knowledge he would have. He also has something else in common with Nikola Tesla and that is that he wished to share it with the whole world. He wanted the whole world to have access to his discoveries and he wanted to improve the whole world with he. He was not in the least shelfish in his sharing of knowledge pertaining to Homeopathy and health. He gave the world the most successful, most advanced, safest, most gentle form of medicinal therapeutics and called it Homeopathy. He was fortunate in that his knowledge spread and was distributed faster than it could be suppressed. Ever attempt by organised science and big pharma to suppress Homeopathy had failed and it will continue to fail forever. The simple reason for this is that good will always triumph above evil. Long after the world economy had collapsed and big pharma had disappeared as a result, Homeopathy will live on. What organised science, the media and big pharma do not consider is that Homeopathy is a knowledge and knowledge can never disappear. Big pharma sells medicine and medicine is a business and when the economy collapses it will disappear, but knowledge will stand, it will remain. Homeopathy being knowledge can be shared freely, drugs cannot. Hahnemann brought knowledge to this world and shared that knowledge freely.
In my opinion Hahnemann is the most successful of all on my list and Tesla is his equal, because we miss Tesla only due to the damage caused by science and commerce. Science and commerce were successful in their attempts to destroy much of Tesla's work and it is lost forever and for that we cannot blame Tesla himself.
Nikola Tesla
Edward Leedskalnin
Samuel Hahnemann
Victor Shauberger
Thomas Henry Moray
John Hutchison
Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen
The Lord Jesus Christ
Leonardo da Vinci
Albert Einstein
Georges Lakhovsky
Rudolph Steiner
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Immanuel Velikovsky
Most people on this list were so far advanced that they were opposed, ousted, rejected, belittled, discarded and science will always try to disprove their work or steer you away from them.
In the Middle Ages, the CHURCH oppressed & suppressed, they persecuted & prosecuted free & progressive thinkers, anyone that opposed them, anyone who's work they could not understand & anyone they perceived a threat. Since then, that OPPRESSIVE role has been taken over by organised SCIENCE. For the past 400 years SCIENCE HAS BEEN SUPPRESSING, PERSECUTING & PROSECUTING EXACTLY SUCH INTELLIGENT PROGRESSIVE INDIVIDUALS!
In my view Science is an insult to knowledge, it is backward and oppressive and it kept us in the dark ages until now.
Science only tries to investigate what others already know & that cannot be understood by scientists. High Incarnates like these greats were centuries ahead of their time, and they changed the World forever.
They proved my late brother's statement that "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, but some things are just highly unlikely."
The interesting thing about people like those mentioned here is that science would rather oppose them and try to disprove them, to conjure up disinformation to warrant their attempts to prove them wrong, than learn from them. It has always amazed me how puny science can be in that they would follow some misguided skeptic anti everything so-called scientist who understands nothing of this world, yet they oppose those that were so highly advanced and whom we could and should learn from. It is irrational to say the least. They're still on the train of evolution, searching for the origins of humans on Earth, while the answers have been laid out before them so many times over and over and over by so many people and so many sources.
What is the sense of possessing so much data and zero knowledge. We are studying more and more of the same and discovering nothing of applicable value. Instead of utilising what had been given to us we are allowing science to oppress us, just because they are unable to understand anything they had not read, and that was not written by some professor with a good memory.
We have had people that had come to this World to teach us, to guide us and to provide us with unlimited knowledge and insight and we discard them due to dogma, either some religious dogma or scientific dogma. Have you ever considered just how blinded people are thanks to science's misguided teachings on evolution? Due to this limited dogma's and paradigms in which the churches and science are stuck we are denied so much.
There is ZERO ZILCH NOTHING of value knowing ANYTHING that someone like Richard Dawkins had said or written, it adds NOTHING to anything or anyone. It is of the utmost importance that we study the work of the so-called dissidents, those greats that are ignored, ousted and denied by organised science. Those are the people that add to our knowledge.
"You know you were successful in life when the day you die people do NOT miss you." - Dr. Myles Munroe (
The above statement relates to the sharing of knowledge. If you had shared all your knowledge unselfishly and freely, if you had shared your love in abundance you would have fulfilled all the needs to those around you. If after your departure from this world people repeatedly say "I miss him/her, because I still wanted to get this or that info", "I wish he/she was here to explain this or that to me", "I always wanted to ask him about this or that", then you failed in this life, because you did not share all your knowledge.
If you had been successful you would have shared all your knowledge so freely and openly that nothing is missing, that we do not need to miss you, because of gaps in the info you left us, because you shared everything with us, THAT is being successful.
Knowledge is what builds the World, what develops and grows the World and any knowledge that we possess must be shared with mankind BEFORE we die so people would not miss us for a lack of that knowledge.
In this sense We need to weigh people on this list objectively. One of the most successful people was Nikola Tesla, because he wanted to share everything, to share his knowledge for a better world, to provide the world with free, clean energy. It was the work of organised science and greed that prevented us from having all that knowledge today. That knowledge, which he wanted to give to us openly and freely, was withheld and even destroyed by higher powers.
Nikola Tesla is one of the the greatest engineers to ever have walked the planet, but he was oppressed and suppressed. His work should be the basis of all science and engineering education and training. Each and every person on earth should know his name, should have been taught about him and his work. If his ORIGINAL work is shared and deliberately distributed, someone out there among us would synchronise with it and build on it.
Nikola tesla was successful because he wanted and was willing to share his knowledge and he cannot be accused of failure, because politics, commerce and science withheld it from us.
Probably the most successful person on the list in this respect is Samuel Hahnemann, because he shared all the knowledge he possessed successfully. There were things he himself did not understand at the time and which he obviously could not share, but if he did have the knowledge he would have. He also has something else in common with Nikola Tesla and that is that he wished to share it with the whole world. He wanted the whole world to have access to his discoveries and he wanted to improve the whole world with he. He was not in the least shelfish in his sharing of knowledge pertaining to Homeopathy and health. He gave the world the most successful, most advanced, safest, most gentle form of medicinal therapeutics and called it Homeopathy. He was fortunate in that his knowledge spread and was distributed faster than it could be suppressed. Ever attempt by organised science and big pharma to suppress Homeopathy had failed and it will continue to fail forever. The simple reason for this is that good will always triumph above evil. Long after the world economy had collapsed and big pharma had disappeared as a result, Homeopathy will live on. What organised science, the media and big pharma do not consider is that Homeopathy is a knowledge and knowledge can never disappear. Big pharma sells medicine and medicine is a business and when the economy collapses it will disappear, but knowledge will stand, it will remain. Homeopathy being knowledge can be shared freely, drugs cannot. Hahnemann brought knowledge to this world and shared that knowledge freely.
In my opinion Hahnemann is the most successful of all on my list and Tesla is his equal, because we miss Tesla only due to the damage caused by science and commerce. Science and commerce were successful in their attempts to destroy much of Tesla's work and it is lost forever and for that we cannot blame Tesla himself.
Nikola Tesla
Edward Leedskalnin
Samuel Hahnemann
Victor Shauberger
Thomas Henry Moray
John Hutchison
Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen
The Lord Jesus Christ
Leonardo da Vinci
Albert Einstein
Georges Lakhovsky
Rudolph Steiner
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Immanuel Velikovsky
Being Educated according to Ed Leedskalnin
"You know we receive an education in the schools from books. All those books that people became educated from twenty-five years ago, are wrong now, and those that are good now, will be wrong again twenty-five years from now. So if they are wrong then, they are also wrong now, and the one who is educated from the wrong books is not educated, he is misled. All books that are written are wrong, the one who is not educated cannot write a book and the one who is educated, is really not educated but he is misled and the one who is misled cannot write a book which is correct.
The misleading began when our distant ancestors began to teach their descendants. You know they knew nothing but they passed their knowledge of nothing to the coming generations and it went so innocently that nobody noticed it. That is why we are not educated.
Now I will tell you what education is according to my reasoning. An educated person is one whose senses are refined. We are born as brutes, we remain and die as the same if we do not become polished. But all senses do not take polish. Some are to coarse to take it. The main base of education is one's "self-respect". Any one lacking self-respect cannot be educated. The main bases of self-respect is the willingness to learn, to do only the things that are good and right, to believe only in the things that can be proved, to possess appreciation and self control.
Now, if you lack willingness to learn, you will remain as a brute and if you do things that are not good and right, you will be a low person, and if you believe in things that cannot be proved, any feeble minded person can lead you, and if you lack appreciation, it takes away the incentive for good doing and if you lack self control you will never know the limit.
So all those lacking these characteristics in their makeup are not educated."
Ed Leedskalnin, 1936
PLEASE DO NOT make the MISTAKE of thinking someone like Ed Leedskalnin confused double-blind clinical trials with "proof", because double-blind clinical trials are not proof of anything, it is merely misleading the blind and deaf.
The misleading began when our distant ancestors began to teach their descendants. You know they knew nothing but they passed their knowledge of nothing to the coming generations and it went so innocently that nobody noticed it. That is why we are not educated.
Now I will tell you what education is according to my reasoning. An educated person is one whose senses are refined. We are born as brutes, we remain and die as the same if we do not become polished. But all senses do not take polish. Some are to coarse to take it. The main base of education is one's "self-respect". Any one lacking self-respect cannot be educated. The main bases of self-respect is the willingness to learn, to do only the things that are good and right, to believe only in the things that can be proved, to possess appreciation and self control.
Now, if you lack willingness to learn, you will remain as a brute and if you do things that are not good and right, you will be a low person, and if you believe in things that cannot be proved, any feeble minded person can lead you, and if you lack appreciation, it takes away the incentive for good doing and if you lack self control you will never know the limit.
So all those lacking these characteristics in their makeup are not educated."
Ed Leedskalnin, 1936
PLEASE DO NOT make the MISTAKE of thinking someone like Ed Leedskalnin confused double-blind clinical trials with "proof", because double-blind clinical trials are not proof of anything, it is merely misleading the blind and deaf.
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