Mother Nature's secret weapon
September 24, 2002
Mother Nature’s secret weapon
Your best defense against threats from within – viruses, bacteria, chemicals, parasites, fungi, tumors, etc. (it’s a jungle in there) is a well-armed immune system.
One of the most important weapons this special force has for your defense comes from a sweet and natural source – mother’s milk! The substance, called lactoferrin, is an enzyme that kills biological invaders by denying them iron. In other words, it induces an iron deficiency anemia in the invaders.
Mother’s milk, known as colostrum, has a very high concentration of lactoferrin. This remarkable chemical acts as a defensive shield for the baby against all microscopic invaders. This milk is the only source of lactoferrin available to the newborn baby. It is not available in artificial formula and probably never will be – at least in our lifetimes.
But lactoferrin is not just for babies. It’s an important nutrient that you need for your survival, at any age. When you contract an infection, there is a rapid rise in the lactoferrin content of the blood. For example, if you contract a sore throat, white blood cells race to the scene and start firing lactoferrin-containing granules that bind up all the iron at the scene of conflict, causing a rapidly induced iron deficiency anemia that neutralizes the bacteria.
Bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and other pathogens that require iron to grow will not be able to survive if lactoferrin binds iron in your blood and keeps it away from those cells.
Of course, your body needs a certain amount of iron for good health. While lactoferrin makes iron unavailable to harmful intestinal bacteria or cancer cells, it also has the unique ability to transport iron to areas where it is needed. This amazing molecule can fight against infectious agents selectively while allowing important cells, such as the immune cells, to have the amount of iron needed to fight the good fight: It’s one of those great mysteries of life.
While healthy, take one 100-milligram capsule twice daily to bolster your immune system. At the first sign of an infection, double the dose. If you’re recovering from cancer, you can take up to 1,500 milligrams a day without fear of side effects. (This may seem like an extreme amount, but keep in mind that large quantities of lactoferrin are well-tolerated and easily processed by newborn babies.)
Since lactoferrin is a natural substance, large pharmaceutical companies aren’t able to patent it and make millions. But it is available from a number of sources, including some health food stores.
Run towards the light!
Rosacea is a skin disease characterized by redness of the face, tiny but easily visible blood vessels, and superficial zits. The flushing can be brought about by emotion, heat, spicy foods, hot drinks, or alcohol and tends to get worse rather than better with time. It may even become permanent. It is much more common in women, but, paradoxically, when men do get it, the condition is usually worse than the average female case.
Eye complications are a potential, and very important, concern in cases of rosacea. Cornea problems, eyelid inflammation, iritis (inflammation of the colored portion of the eyeball), and swollen and infected eyelids may occur.
Conventional treatment has not always been successful, but a new procedure, called “Intense Pulsed Light” therapy (IPL), also known as PhotoFacial, shows great promise. The treatment is relatively painless, requires no hospitalization, and has no significant side effects. In Chapter 41 of the textbook Lasers in Aesthetic Surgery, the doctors conclude: “PhotoFacial provides superior cosmetic results. Specifically, the treatment offers relief from the redness and flushing of rosacea”
This treatment, I am convinced, is a winner. In addition to its effectiveness in treating rosacea, it also improves many other skin conditions, such as irregular pigmentation caused by the sun, fine lines and wrinkles brought on by aging, and dark circles under the eyes.
For treatment, I suggest you contact the Institute for Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery in Los Gatos, California at (408)356-2154. They can refer you to a qualified doctor in your area.
The truth about kids and alternative meds
January 19, 2011
Is alternative medicine dangerous for your kids?
Fire up the barbie, mate — I’m about to roast some researchers.
An alarming new study out of — you guessed it — Australia claims alternative medicine is dangerous and deadly, leaving kids sick and even dead.
And it’s every bit as authentic as Meryl Streep’s accent when she cried out “a dingo took my baby” in that old film, “A Cry in the Dark.”
Researchers combed through three years of data from a national pediatric database. We’re talking about an advanced system of monitoring and tracking for a country of nearly 22 million people, including 4 million under the age of 15.
And after adding it all up, carrying the 1, dropping the decimal point and probably mixing in a little koala fur, they came up with… 39.
Not 39,000, 3,900 or 39 percent — just 39, in the entire nation, over a three-year period.
C’mon now, isn’t this getting ridiculous? Drugs hurt or kill tens of thousands of Australians each year, including children, even with “normal” use — and these researchers are harping on 39 sick kids?
An Australian child is more likely to be attacked by a dingo!
What’s more, these researchers couldn’t even find evidence that all 39 kids were actually harmed by alternative medicine. Only 30 were “probably or definitely” hurt by their treatments, according to the study in the Archives of Disease in Childhood.
That includes four deaths — always a tragedy, but these were cases of quackery, not alternative medicine. In one instance, a three-month-old baby died after being put on a “rice milk diet” to relieve congestion.
No real doctor would put an infant on a rice milk diet!
For the rest of the kids, even most of the doctors who treated them were hard-pressed to blame alternative medicine. Dig through the report in Archives of Disease in Childhood, and you’ll find this little gem: Only 17 of them say the child was harmed by a failure to use conventional medicine.
Seventeen kids in the entire nation over three years.
That’s it.
Seems to me this study doesn’t prove that alternative medicine is dangerous — quite the opposite.
Someone tell these researchers to stick THAT in their tucker bag!
Aggressive supplementation with dietary vitamin D
January 6, 2006
Aggressive supplementation with dietary vitamin D
Free breathing – but not free drinking
D-lightful D-clarations, part two
In the last Daily Dose, I wrote to you about how a group of female doctors representing the American Medical Women’s Association concluded – at a conference sponsored by Big Pharma, no less – that for maximum bone strength and resistance to brittleness and breakage, the best course of action is aggressive supplementation with dietary vitamin D.
Not drugs, but the “sun-vitamin” I’ve been shining a light on for years, and which the VAST MAJORITY of Americans are woefully deficient of. As a little icing on the cake, these lady-MDs also pointed a finger of guilt squarely at that archenemy of all health, sunscreen – also something I’ve been doing since they came out with the dreadful stuff. But I digress
As if any more evidence were needed to convince you to throw open the windows and bask in sunlight’s glow – or get outside for at least 15 minutes a day – no matter what your latitude on the map, consider this:
New evidence shows that vitamin D could help treat steroid-resistant asthma.
According to some recent research conducted by scientists at King’s College London, both tests on human cells and trials on a small group of asthmatic patients reveal that vitamin D supplementation may help make even patients that don’t respond well to inhaled steroids (the typical asthma treatment) more responsive to their therapy.
The study’s authors theorize that the vitamin may boost asthma patients’ production of a chemical called IL-10, which modulates the immuno-response of T-cells – a key factor in asthma management. According to the WebMD article I discovered this study in, the scientists also hypothesize that vitamin D may play a role in helping to control other diseases of the immune system or involving inflammation
But enough of the medical gobbledygook. What this means is if you have asthma, and your mainstream-prescribed steroids aren’t helping (or aren’t helping as much as they used to), you’ve nothing to lose – and perhaps a lot to gain – by aggressively supplementing with vitamin D. Or you could eat plenty of D-rich foods, like meats, eggs, and milk (only if you can find a source of raw milk).
And speaking of vitamin-rich raw milk and its sources
Big Brother comes to the Animal Farm
I’ve written before about raw milk – and about how it’s illegal to retail in most states (Daily Dose, 12/9/03). Of course, good ol’ American ingenuity triumphed over these laws in some states – farmers started selling “shares” in a cow, which people then bought, and the milk became the dividend.
But leave it to the Orwellian federal government to put the kibosh on what’s truly healthy (they do it almost universally). According to a recent USA Today article, the Food and Drug Administration is claiming that raw milk is dangerous – and like the meek little lemmings they are, it appears that the various state governments in those places that allow these “shareholder” dairies are lowering the boom on the practice.
In Washington state, the focus of the USA Today piece, the state’s Department of Agriculture is demanding that such dairies be specially regulated – complete with a special license, monthly inspections, tests, warning labels and all the other red tape and senseless interference that accompany almost any government invasion into the private sector.
All of this absolutely floors me – because it wasn’t all that long ago when the ONLY milk we had to drink was raw milk! We’ve done it for untold millennia, and I don’t recall the history books making reference to vast milk-borne epidemics. Do you?
In my opinion, the only things that make milk dangerous nowadays are all the additives and preservatives we’re putting in the stuff – plus all the antibiotics and hormones we’re pumping into the cattle we’re milking it from. And of course, heat pasteurization.
To date, I’ve never heard of anyone dying (or even being sickened) from drinking healthy, nourishing raw milk. But I do know of statistics that show more than 300,000 Americans are killed every year by prescription drugs.
Maybe the FDA and their state puppets could start regulating THAT side of things a little better. Just a thought.
Thinking about the law – and drinking raw,
William Campbell Douglass II, MD
Bug-infested baby formula faces recall
October 20, 2010
If there’s ever any doubts that breast is best, the recent recall of bug-infested baby formula should put them to bed.
After all, I’ve never heard of a breast milk recall!
Abbott Laboratories had to recall some 5 million containers of its popular Similac line of formulas when it discovered that they had been contaminated with an ugly little warehouse beetle called Trogoderma variabile.
You can see a picture of the critter here.
Naturally, the FDA says there’s no reason to worry because the beetle is harmless. They also say beetle bits or larvae pieces in the formula can irritate infant digestive tracts and lead to stomachaches, and even cause a little one to refuse food.
Not my definition of “harmless,” but I’ve never been mistaken for a D.C. bureaucrat.
The FDA added that parents should consult doctors if the symptoms persist for “a few days,” which only shows how clueless they are — because any infant who refuses to eat for a few days won’t be around for that doctor visit.
The buggy formula is just the latest in a string of Similac recalls in recent years, and parents are quickly switching over to rival brands. But let’s face facts here: If you’re feeding your baby any brand of formula at all, bug-induced indigestion is the least of your worries.
Baby formulas lack critical fats and nutrients that are only found in breast milk. Not only that, but the very act of breastfeeding is an essential piece of the bonding process between a newborn baby and its mother.
When a woman feeds her baby, the body releases critical hormones that help the mother feel a stronger sense of love and attachment. That hormone blast may even act as a powerful antidepressant that can ward off the postpartum blues.
And while the formula makers can make all the claims they want about how close their junk is to breast milk, repeated studies have all reached the same conclusion: breast-fed babies grow up smarter, healthier and probably better-looking, too.
On the other hand, formula does have breast milk beat in one area: Bugs seem to love the stuff.
The good bacteria that will keep you alive
August 8, 2012
The gross little germs that will keep you healthy
Bacteria get plenty of blame when you get sick, but they never seem to get any credit when you’re healthy.
So let me change that.
Your gut is swimming in bacteria, including ugly little beasts that would make people scream if they were big enough to fill a movie theater screen.
But they’re actually your friends — not dangerous monsters. (Most of ‘em, anyway.)
One new study of gut bacteria in 178 seniors in their 70s and 80s finds that those with the widest array of bugs in their stomach did best on cognitive tests as well as tests designed to measure frailty when compared to seniors with less diverse gut colonies.
Surprised? Don’t be, because as I’ve told you before your stomach bacteria are responsible for so much more than just digestion.
Gut imbalances can cause or worsen mental illness, depression, multiple sclerosis, muscular problems, asthma, and more. They’re also critical to your immune system and overall good health.
Ever wonder why so many people get sick and die AFTER they take an antibiotic? It’s not because the drug failed — it’s because it worked too well, killing off all the friendly bacteria and giving the drug-resistant baddies a chance to flourish.
The researchers behind the new study say the best way to keep a diverse gut population is with a diverse diet, but that’s not quite the whole story. There are plenty of “diverse” foods that won’t affect your gut bacteria one way or the other.
You need foods rich in friendly bacteria — like nature’s best and most delicious probiotic, farm-fresh raw milk.
In addition, add a probiotic supplement to your regimen (and I mean an honest-to-goodness supplement, not some sugary yogurt drink that screams “PROBIOTIC!!!” on the label).
Double up on it if you’re taking or have recently taken an antibiotic.
Also, stay out of nursing homes. Seniors in the new study who lived in care facilities actually had the least diverse gut colonies of all — more proof that you simply can’t stay healthy on a diet of green Jell-O and instant potatoes.
The real reason farm kids don’t have allergies
October 21, 2012
Making hay over the hygiene hypothesis
Close, but no cigar.
I’ve seen a bunch of reports recently about the so-called hygiene hypothesis and how kids raised in today’s sterile bubble-wrapped environment are more likely to come down with allergies than farm kids raised playing (and working) in dirty farmyards.
It sounds good because it’s partially true: Kids ARE being hurt by too much hand sanitizer, too many antibacterial wipes, and not enough time outside — but that’s not the real reason for the big difference in allergy and asthma rates between city slickers and farm children.
No, there’s something else farm kids are exposed to that helps them to avoid hay fever and asthma: Milk.
Not just any milk, but delicious farm-fresh raw milk, which is chock full of healthy proteins, powerful enzymes, and other nutrients critical to the immune system — and studies have shown time and again that it’s nature’s best cure for hay fever and other forms of seasonal allergies.
One study last year even identified the two specific whey proteins in raw milk that chase those allergies away: BSA and alpha-lactalbumin.
You don’t have to be a kid to benefit from raw milk — and raw milk alone certainly isn’t the only answer for all allergies. If you seem to be on the losing end of your own war with pollen, there are completely natural solutions that can help.
I had the full story recently in my Douglass Report newsletter — and if you’re a subscriber, you can log in here and read the May 2012 issue.
The raw cure for asthma & allergies
October 21, 2011
Kids breathe easier with farm-fresh milk
There’s a 100 percent natural way to beat allergies and asthma before they even start — but of course, it’s practically a crime to give it to your kids.
It’s farm-fresh raw milk, nature’s top source of the powerful probiotics and natural dairy proteins that can supercharge your immune system and protect your entire family from disease and illness.
I’ve told you before how this stuff can wipe out childhood wheezing and sneezing, and the latest research backs up my time-tested advice: Kids who drink raw milk have HALF the risk of hay fever and a 41 percent lower risk of asthma than children forced to gulp down supermarket swill.
The study in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology even identifies the specific whey proteins responsible for better breathing in children: BSA and alpha-lactalbumin.
If those names don’t sound familiar, it’s because they’ve been practically erased from the human diet. The same kill-em-all death rays of pasteurization that are supposed to make milk “safe” wipe out whey proteins, friendly bacteria, and nutritious enzymes.
You may as well put a picture of these nutrients on a milk carton: HAVE YOU SEEN ME?
Find them, and you’ll find out why raw milk is changing the lives of the people who drink it. This stuff can aid digestion, boost the immune system, and even CURE autism.
Pasteurized milk, on the other hand, is a glass full of dead white cells, dangerous farmyard chemicals, and carcinogenic growth hormones — and yes, even the organic stuff is bad for you.
But despite the obvious benefits of fresh milk and the well-known risks of pasteurization, the feds are still persecuting people who buy and sell the raw stuff. (Read that story here.)
Enough’s enough. If you want what’s best for your family, sometimes you have to bend or even break the law to get it.
This is one of those times.
The AAP agrees with me: Kids, drink your milk!
December 5, 2006
The AAP agrees with me: Kids, drink your milk!
Here’s something very interesting (and more than a little surprising) from the American Academy of Pediatrics
According to another recent article in the medical journal Pediatrics, the AAP now maintains that even lactose intolerant kids should still be drinking their milk and eating their cheese.
Apparently, all those vitamins, calcium, minerals, and “good” bacteria in dairy products more than outweigh the diarrhea, flatulence, and bloating that can occur in severe cases of lactose reaction. And as much as I hate to agree with any faction of the mainstream medical establishment, I think they’ve got a point (sorry, lactose-intolerant kids – it’s for your own good)
And just think about this: The AAP’s new position is based on just the few remaining beneficial ingredients left in store-bought, pasteurized (read: stripped down) milk. Imagine how much stronger their case would be if they were recommending full-nutrient raw milk!
Heck, if milk-sensitive kids are going to have to start enduring the discomforts that come with drinking milk, they might as well get ALL the benefits, right? Of course, I won’t hold my breath until the AAP endorses raw milk
That would be just too much to hope for, I think.
Mother’s milk helps mom too
December 23, 2009
If you had the good sense to breastfeed your baby years ago, you may be getting a great benefit from it today: a healthier heart.
A new study in the journal Diabetes finds that women who breastfeed have a significantly lower risk later on for metabolic syndrome, a condition in which obesity, high blood pressure, insulin resistance and other factors all hit at once, dragging you down the road toward diabetes and heart disease.
Researchers found that women who breastfeed for up to five months have a 39 percent lower risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Breastfeeding for more than nine months reduces risk by 56 percent.
And for those who suffer from gestational diabetes – that’s a pregnancy-related version of the condition – breastfeeding for more than nine months can lower their risk of metabolic syndrome by 86 percent.
That’s not the only benefit of breastfeeding for moms – even if it is a darn good one. Breastfeeding also lowers a woman’s risk for breast cancer, ovarian cancer and postpartum depression.
I’d like to see Big Pharma try to put that kind of protection in a pill. And even if they did… you just can’t beat the price of breast milk.
Mothers Milk and Udder Delights
December 5, 2006
Mothers Milk and Udder Delights
The breast defense against dimwitted kids
As you may know, I’m a big fan of milk for people of all ages – especially raw, natural cow’s milk. I’ve even written a book on the subject
However, for newborns and infants up to toddler age, I can honestly say that no milk is better for them than Mom’s own – unless she’s addicted to drugs (even the prescribed variety) or consuming lots of toxic chemicals or heavy metals. These toxins, along with their side effects, can be passed on in breast milk. But I digress.
Much research has shown that babies weaned on pure, unadulterated human milk have stronger immune systems, sharper minds, heavier body weights, and better overall health than those weaned on store-bought (read: pasteurized and stripped of all the healthy fats and nutrients) milk. And now, another new study is backing up the already impressive body of research on how vital human breast milk is for baby’s health
Especially those that aren’t carried to term.
According to the July issue of the journal Pediatrics, prematurely born babies – more specifically, those whose birth weights were lower than 2 pounds, 3 ounces – who were fed natural breast milk performed better on tests of cognitive development than those who were “nourished” with formula.
According to the summary of the research I read, these tests were administered when the babies were 18 months old. I’m assuming this means 18 months after conception. If it’s 18 months after actual birth, then of course those who were carried closer to term would be farther along in cognitive development – they could actually be older by as much as 2 or 3 months. But I digress again
The research was adjusted to compensate for other mitigating factors – like familial income and education. Yet even after correcting for these and other variables, there still persisted a strong correlation between breast milk consumption and mental development in newborns.
The study’s authors concluded (as I did long ago) that the fatty acids present in human breast milk are the key to the infants’ brain development. And indeed, there was a direct linear relationship in the research between the amount of breast milk consumed and performance on cognition tests: The more they suckled, the higher they scored.
Milk's Benefits
July 30, 2004
Milk’s Benefits
It does a body good
That’s what the ads used to say about my favorite natural drink: Milk.
As you know, I’ve been singing milk’s praises (the raw variety of course) for decades – I’ve even written a book on the subject. It’s a great source of calcium, vitamin D, lactoferrins (natural antibiotics), and other good stuff.
But as you also may know, the fat-phobic and animal-loving medical mainstream in this country is very anti-milk, for the most part. Now, however, there’s some new evidence of milk’s benefits that might shake some sense into the naysayers when it comes to this natural lifesaver. It’s pretty big news, too
Apparently, a high calcium intake from milk and other sources can help prevent COLON CANCER.
According to a recent Associated Press story, researchers have concluded that the calcium your body ingests by drinking at least a glass of milk a day can cut the risk of developing polyps that typically turn cancerous in both men and women (but slightly more so in women) by as much as 12%. The calcium in two or more glasses a day slashed colon cancer’s incidence in test subjects by 15%.
This was not small-scale research, either – it was actually a sustained analysis of 10 different nutrient studies that encompassed more than half a million people!
Vitamin D, which is often added to milk, was thought by the study’s authors to play a role in this cancer-preventative effect, either by it’s own nutritive action or by its ability to help the body absorb calcium. The research couldn’t pinpoint the exact role of vitamin D or its rate of effectiveness by itself – but it definitely noted the greatest degree of risk reduction among subjects who consumed daily doses of both calcium and vitamin D in abundance.
What’s this finding mean to you? It means you should drink plenty of full-fat, vitamin D-filled milk every day – and supplement your diet with both calcium and extra vitamin D. But if your milk is raw, it’s not necessary to supplement it. You could practically LIVE on raw milk alone it’s so nutritious. Too bad it’s virtually impossible to find. Also, you should make sure you get plenty of sunlight, too (even in the wintertime), to make sure your body produces as much vitamin D as it needs.
And don’t buy into the mainstream’s vapid arguments against milk if yours is the raw variety – they’re based on nothing but junk science and PC feel-goodism.
The crazy truth behind estrogen replacement
A lot of mainstream doctors have sold a lot of women on prescription-drug estrogen replacement therapy for the “relief” of menopause symptoms. It’s a racket that pays the drug biz and the individual practitioner big bucks for treating something that’s perfectly normal (and perfectly manageable, if you use a few safe, natural techniques).
But there’s another reason why a lot of MDs are convincing women to look past the increased risk of several types of female-specific cancers (breast and uterine, most notably) and the heightened likelihood of strokes and heart attacks that accompany modern drug-based hormone replacement therapy
Pharmaceuticals makers have successfully positioned (a term prevalent in advertising, how fitting) estrogen therapy as a preventive for dementia in women over 65.
This, despite the fact that there’s actually proof to the contrary!
A few weeks ago, the Journal of the American Medical Association published the results of a government-sponsored study called the Women’s Health Initiative. The research focused on 3,000 women aged 65 to 79, and guess what they discovered? Contrary to drug company claims and mainstream doctors’ beliefs, the research showed a whopping 38% greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia among women taking supplemental estrogen than among those coping with menopause the natural way.
I’ve touched on this subject in prior Daily Doses and in my newsletter, but it bears repeating now – a 38% increased risk in anything as serious as dementia cannot be under-reported, in my opinion.
There is a new, positive development in this saga, though. Apparently, the message is trickling out about the risks of modern estrogen replacement therapy: Worldwide sales of one leading marketer’s supplemental estrogen drugs fell by nearly 40% between 2001 and 2002.
Not milking the myths – or buying into them,
William Campbell Douglass II, MD
Raw milk's popularity growing by leaps and bounds
May 14, 2008
Raw milk’s popularity growing by leaps and bounds
I’m almost ready to declare victory in the government’s absurd war against raw milk. In spite of the efforts of Big Dairy, as well as wrong-headed public health officials from the Federal, and State governments – demand for raw milk is actually growing.
Moo-ve over, Big Dairy!
As you well know, I’m the poster boy for the many health benefits that are found in raw (i.e., unpasteurized) milk. And thankfully the publics’ growing concern about all the nasty stuff (read: chemicals, hormones, and drugs) used in commercial dairy farming has pushed them toward raw milk. I know it’s the right move, and I’m happy to see that this is a growing trend.
To be sure, anyone making the switch to raw milk has to climb a mountain of misinformation to get there, which makes the increased demand for this good stuff even more impressive. First, there’s the fact that the federal government and the majority of states prohibit the sale of raw milk to the public. These public health bureaucrats claim that in recent decades raw milk was responsible for sickening hundreds with bacterial illnesses such as salmonella, E. coli, Listeria monocytogenes, and others. In short: this is untrue.
In fact, as I’ve told you, recent milk-related outbreaks of Listeria and E. coli that caused illness and even death were caused by pasteurized milk, not raw milk (typically, the health officials didn’t have much of an explanation for this). But the FDA and the CDC never let the facts get in the way of a good story. “Raw milk continues to cause outbreaks year after year,” says FDA dairy “expert” John Sheehan. “It is a concern for the FDA.”
Really? Or is it more of a concern that, in spite of all the money that Big Dairy’s special interest lobbies pump into the government agencies, it’s becoming more and more difficult for the FDA and the CDC to fight the tide of truth about raw milk. The story is getting out, no matter what they do. And I’m proud to be one of the people who’s helping to spread the word.
What’s more, because it’s grown organically, raw milk comes with a hefty price tag: the going rate for raw milk is often north of $5 a gallon. But as so many people are discovering, this would be a bargain at twice the price.
Here’s why
There are many indications that raw milk consumption can relieve allergies, asthma, digestive disorders – even autism. That’s a lot of power in one glass of milk. So it’s no wonder that smart folks everywhere are ignoring the warnings and seeking out the small, organic dairies that sell raw milk.
It’s easy to see by the growing number of dairies that sell raw milk that the demand is on the rise – big time. In Washington State alone, the number of raw milk dairies boomed from just six to 22 in just two years. And over the last five years, Massachusetts has doubled its number of raw milk dairies to a total of 24 – and this is at a time when the number of commercial dairies has been declining.
The process of pastuerization – where the milk is heated for an extended time – destroys many of the key proteins and enzymes that occur naturally in milk, and that can help the body to absorb vitamins and digest lactose. The high heat also damages the water-soluble B vitamins, which are chock-full of incredible health benefits.
Raw milk maybe off the beaten path but it’s the super highway to good health.
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